First Aid - Healthcare provider (16h) - CSA Z1210-17 compliant

First Aid - Healthcare provider (16h) - CSA Z1210-17 compliant

Upon successful completion of this 16-hour CSA Z1210-17 First Aid training course for healthcare professionals, the candidate will receive a certification valid for a period of two (2) years that meets the requirements of "Intermediate First Aid Training" as set out in CSA Z1210-17.

Since this training is geared towards healthcare professionals, the candidate will be required to update his or her priority skills one year after successful certification.

This comprehensive training must be repeated every two (2) years to maintain active certification status.

Duration 16 heures
Formed for
Certification Valid for 2 years
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Online course 154.54 $ Buy this course
Fully online training
  • Learn at your own pace, wherever you are
  • Available 24/7
  • Immediate certification at the end of the training
Formation en ligne 154.54 $
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Customized hybrid training
  • Combine online learning and in-person assessment
  • Schedule the training according to your team's needs
  • Dedicated trainer for specific solutions
Personalized hybrid training 178.54 $
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Immersive in-person training
  • Live learning with a dedicated trainer
  • Interactive and hands-on sessions at your premises
  • Tailored to the specific needs of your group
Immersive in-person training 198.54 $
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* A fee of $90.00 per trip (training day) is to be expected..

* Hybrid and in-person training are offered to groups of 10 people or more.

An innovative platform

Thanks to our fully online, stand-alone digital platform, we offer a flexible learning option that allows everyone to learn at their own pace at a time that suits them best. We use proven teaching methods to make our training courses easy to understand. What's more, we're constantly on the lookout for new approaches to e-learning, ensuring that our courses remain at the cutting edge.

How do our courses work?

We offer the option to deliver our training sessions directly at your location. Gather a group of 12 participants or more, and contact us to schedule a session tailored to your needs.

Contact St-Bernard Academy for an in-person training!


Recognized certifications

Learning at your own pace

multiple platforms

easier learning

Customized support

Course plan


  • Training duration: 16 hours.
  • Certification valid for 2 years.
  • Training suitable for Nurses

* Training recommended for nurses working in CHSLDs.

Please note: this is not equivalent to CNESST-approved "First aid in the workplace" training.

If you are a manager, proceed to a Group purchase


  • Complete all readings included in the course.
  • Complete all mandatory practical sessions within the given minimum times.
  • Pass with an average of 80% or more each of the theoretical assessments included in the course.


  • Once you have successfully completed your training by means of home practical sessions and multiple-choice theory exams, you will receive your certificate in "PDF" format, valid for a period of 2 years and meeting the CSA Z-1210-17 standard.

Collaboration agreement between the Regroupement Québécois des Résidences pour Aînés (RQRA) and Académie Saint-Bernard

As an official partner of the Regroupement Québécois des Résidences pour Aînés (RQRA), we invite you to contact us to take advantage of an exclusive 20% discount on the purchase of your training courses.

We are delighted to collaborate with RQRA to offer significant benefits to our members.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to take advantage of this opportunity.


Académie Saint-Bernard - High Quality First Aid Training

Our first aid training for healthcare professionals is designed to meet the needs of nurses working in healthcare facilities. Here are the key points of our "First Aid - Healthcare Professional (16h) - CSA Z1210-17 compliant" training course

Certification in accordance with CSA Standard Z-1210-17

Our program is carefully designed to comply with the CSA Z-1210-17 standard, guaranteeing complete and up-to-date training.

Participants will receive certification in strict compliance with this standard, attesting to their competence in intermediate-level first aid.

Training tailored to nurses

Training is specifically designed to meet the needs of nurses, who are essential to the delivery of healthcare.

It enhances the safety and well-being of patients in CHSLDs (Centres d'Hébergement de Soins de Longue Durée) and other healthcare environments.

Training objectives

Strengthen first aid skills, including airway management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and more.

Facilitate regulatory compliance for CHSLDs, in accordance with CSA Z-1210-17.

Issue a certificate of achievement in intermediate first aid at the end of training.


Our training offers an exceptional opportunity for healthcare professionals to acquire essential first aid skills, in compliance with the most stringent CSA standards.

We are committed to the safety and well-being of our beneficiaries and are proud to contribute to the preparation of highly skilled and competent professionals.


1. Furthermore, according to article 28 of the "MANUEL D'APPLICATION ET GUIDE DE VÉRIFICATION DE LA CONFORMITÉ RÈGLEMENT SUR LA CERTIFICATION DES RÉSIDENCES PRIVÉES POUR AÎNÉS" of the "Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux" (pages 104 - 106):

" 2. In a category 3 or 4 RPP, unless he or she is a nurse or nursing assistant, any person responsible for providing supervision in the RPP pursuant to sections 19 to 20.1 of the Regulation (whether a resident, supervising tenant or volunteer) holds (valid) certificates of successful completion of general first aid training meeting the requirements of the first paragraph of section 28 of the Regulation. (No transitional measures.)"

  • Thus, the obligation of nurses and nursing assistants is limited to CPR training, unless otherwise specified: "unless she is a nurse, a nursing assistant". To meet this requirement, we offer "CPR/AED - Health Professional (5h)" training, recognized by the OIIQ and OIIAQ.

However, aware of potential gaps in the interpretation of legislation, we have introduced the "First Aid - Health Care Professional (16h) - CSA Z1210-17 compliant" training program. The main aim of this training is to simplify the certification validation process, equip nurses and nursing assistants and create a safer environment for the elderly. Although this training is longer than that required, its validity extends over two (2) years, compared with one (1) year for CPR training.

For these reasons, and in keeping with our vision, we recommend First Aid training to promote a safer environment. Although this training requires a higher number of hours than that required for nurses and nursing assistants, our training hours can be counted towards the mandatory annual training hours of their professional orders.

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