Saint-Bernard Academy training guidelines are based on official ILCOR recommendations and are accessible to all.

Saint-Bernard Academy offers high-quality training leading to highly respected certifications. We rely on guidelines in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Cardiovascular Emergency Care (ECC) and First Aid developed according to international scientific literature, reliable scientific data and a rigorous evaluation process conducted by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). The final recommendations, presented in the summary Consensus on Science with Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR), form the basis of our emergency care training programs and practices. Our commitment to these guidelines ensures the quality and relevance of our training courses.


Every participant in our training programs and visitor to our website has access to reliable educational resources.

Our medical lexicon provides candidates with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the various topics covered in our training programs. Going beyond the content of the basic program, this lexicon constitutes a key complementary element to the learning process, ensuring professional support for each candidate to guarantee the complete development of first aid skills. 

Summarizing the key elements to be implemented in a real emergency situation, our intervention protocols are also relevant resources for our candidates. They can be used as a memory aid for our candidates after successful completion of their training. They ensure knowledge retention and reinforce the skills acquired during training. Please note that the protocols are actually only available in french, but will eventually be translated as well.

Accessible to all, these two resources represent an opportunity for all those who wish to deepen their medical knowledge and reinforce their understanding of first aid concepts. This initiative is part of our commitment to disseminating and promoting medical knowledge to the widest possible audience, thereby contributing to everyone's preparedness in emergency situations.


The content of our training courses is based on reliable and recent scientific data.

Through our communications and training, it is essential for us to demonstrate intellectual rigor and transparency. By drawing on reputable scientific and medical sources, we ensure that every piece of data and knowledge we communicate is based on solid, verifiable foundations. What's more, by citing our sources appropriately, we aim to demonstrate scientific rigor and enable readers to refer back to the sources as needed.

What's more, to ensure compliance with the most recent standards in force, we hold monthly meetings to discuss and implement best practices for our training courses. Participants, including first aid instructors, Academy representatives and professional healthcare experts, exchange information and ideas to improve training and ensure the safety of beneficiaries and the general public.

The main purpose of these meetings is to ensure that the Saint-Bernard Academy continues to offer quality training, in line with current standards, thus contributing to the safety and well-being of all. More specifically, these monthly meetings address issues such as verifying new standards and reference updates, reviewing feedback received and revising course evaluation questionnaires.


For each of our training courses, we make available to everyone the pedagogical documents providing a detailed description of the course elements and content.

We attach the utmost importance to the quality of our teaching. For each program offered by the Saint-Bernard Academy, we have prepared the "Detailed Lesson Plan" and "Training Content" documents, which include the following essential elements:

In-depth description of the course.

General and specific goals.

Pedagogical approach.

Evaluation methods and criteria.

Didactic material.

Mediagraphy and appendices.

Learning activities.

Management methods.

Specific content.

This meticulous approach ensures that all candidates are well informed about the structure of the training program and the subjects covered.


Our training program contains all the elements needed to guarantee proficiency in the required skills.

Our training courses consist mainly of readings accompanied by illustrations to help you fully understand the material explained. They are organized into blocks of readings covering the various subjects to be assimilated. At the end of each block, the candidate must answer a multiple-choice questionnaire. A score of 80% or more is required to move on to the next block. 

Of course, practice sessions are also mandatory. During these exercises, candidates are invited to create their own mannequin using everyday objects to put into practice the various techniques presented. Our exclusive system ensures full participation, optimum commitment and guided support throughout these crucial stages.


Our training approach is based on the analysis of numerous studies on the value of e-learning.

Saint-Bernard Academy embraces technological advances to offer a variety of pedagogical resources that enable each candidate to complete their training in the context that seems most conducive to their learning. In other words, we take advantage of the evolution of multimedia technologies to create interactive learning tools adapted to everyone.

Saint-Bernard Academy was born out of an ambition to make learning life-saving techniques more accessible. Its creation is the result of rigorous research to identify and implement tools that promote optimal understanding and retention of knowledge. As a result, by analyzing studies on online training as an alternative to the traditional model, we were able to develop a service enabling people to acquire all the skills they need to intervene in an emergency, while benefiting from the advantages of a self-directed online learning formula.


Achieving our certifications is conditional on meeting rigorous success criteria.

To guarantee the quality of the certificates issued by our company, it is mandatory for candidates to have :

completed all the readings included in the training course;

completed all mandatory practice sessions within the minimum time required;

and passed each theoretical assessment with a result equal to or greater than 80%.

These strict standards ensure that candidates who obtain our official certification have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the subjects covered, as well as a practical mastery of the essential skills.

Saint-Bernard Academy also applies strict terms and conditions to guarantee the authenticity of all certificates. These conditions attest that our company has made reasonable and good-faith efforts to provide candidates with the necessary resources to be able to carry out the appropriate procedure in the event of a real emergency based on successful certification. Failure to comply with our terms and conditions may result in revocation of the certificate or re-training.


We take the necessary measures to guarantee the legitimacy and authenticity of any certificate issued by the Saint-Bernard Academy.

Each certification issued by the Saint-Bernard Academy has a unique identification and is closely linked to a specific candidate profile. In addition, all our official certificates incorporate two anti-counterfeiting methods, enabling anyone to verify the authenticity of our certificates and the veracity of the information recorded on them. These are a unique QR code and a hyperlink on every certificate leading to the official version.

Furthermore, as part of our professional commitment to the safety of all our members, it is imperative for us to carry insurance that covers a full range of liabilities, specifically including "medical malpractice". This particular provision demonstrates our commitment to ensuring the protection and safety of both our members and the stakeholders involved in our activities.

Finally, to ensure the legitimacy of the certifications awarded and compliance with our terms and conditions, we make telephone calls to holders of certifications issued by our academy. These exchanges confirm the validity of the information associated with the certification, and ensure that the holder possesses the appropriate skills and knowledge. In the event of non-cooperation or transmission of contradictory information, the Saint-Bernard Academy reserves the right to take any action necessary to preserve the integrity of our certifications. This may include measures such as reassessment of the holder's competence or, in the event of persistent non-compliance, cancellation of the certification concerned.


We offer our members all the tools they need to maintain their knowledge.

After successful completion of their training, and for the duration of the certificate's validity, candidates receive an annual invitation to attend a free short refresher course. This training enables candidates to keep their skills up to date, and provides an opportunity to contact us with any questions or concerns they may have. That said, to enable trained candidates to refresh their memory as needed, this training is available at any time.

Moreover, with the exception of the questionnaires, the content of our training courses remains available after successful completion. Candidates can therefore revisit the content as and when required, as long as their certificate remains valid. In this way, they can keep their knowledge up to date and benefit from continuous, personalized learning.


The versioning of our training courses enables exhaustive tracking of all the training provided within our company.

Training versioning enables us to accurately track all candidates who have taken a specific training version. This facilitates the identification of individuals who may benefit from additional information resulting from an update or modification to a particular course. This initiative is in line with our desire to ensure that the teaching of our programs is legally monitored.

In other words, any relevant changes to a course are passed on to candidates who have taken a previous version. This ensures that every candidate has the most up-to-date information on CPR and first aid, enabling qualified intervention in the event of an emergency.


Our free " RCR - ASB " mobile app is a practical tool for learning and assisting in emergency situations.

Our innovative mobile app has been specially designed to guide rescuers through real-life emergency situations. It enables responders to take the crucial first steps to quickly activate the chain of survival. With full audiovisual support, first-aiders are assisted in performing high-quality CPR maneuvers while waiting for help to arrive.

We invite all our candidates to use this free mobile application for their mandatory practice sessions within our training courses. Using our application in a controlled learning context enables first-aiders to develop their reflexes in the face of an emergency. This gives them the confidence to react promptly and effectively in a real emergency situation. By providing this innovative tool, we aim to strengthen the skills of first-aiders and promote a rapid, appropriate response in times of need.


Saint-Bernard Academy is always there for its members, offering personalized, prompt and courteous service through a variety of communication channels.

With the aim of offering a responsive, professional service, we provide several communication channels enabling our members to contact us easily at any time. Whether by telephone, email, our interactive assistant or our social media pages, our commitment to providing the best possible service is demonstrated by our increased accessibility to trainer assistance, quickly and efficiently.

As a committed company, we are invested in educating the population and maintaining the skills of our members. This dimension of our business is an integral part of our core values, and we are proud to provide everyone with relevant, even vital, knowledge, helping to build a safer future.