November - Prostate Cancer Awareness Quebec

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is here!

That's right, it's that famous month when gentlemen sport magnificent moustaches in support of the fight against prostate cancer!


In honour of this event, let's talk a little about this important cause. We'll look at the importance of awareness and screening, the Noeud Novembre movement in Quebec, and our organization's commitment to the cause. We'll conclude with a few tips on how to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.


Raising awareness is essential!

Prostate cancer awareness is crucial. Every year, education and awareness campaigns run by organizations such as Prostate Cancer Canada and PROCURE motivate many men to consult their doctor about the issue, and to undergo screening tests such as the Prostate Antigen (PSA) test.


This test identifies the protein produced by prostate cells, called PSA, in the blood. This enables early detection of prostate cancer. It is recommended for men

aged 50 and over ;

black (including those of African or Caribbean origin);

with a family history of cancer,

talk to their doctor as soon as possible, as they are considered to be "at risk".


Since 2011, such screening has reduced the mortality rate from this type of cancer.


However, this test has its pros and cons, and needs to be carefully thought through and discussed with a doctor before the decision is made to take it.


Of course, any man who experiences unusual symptoms, such as a more frequent need to urinate or difficulty in urinating, ejaculating or emptying the bladder completely, should consult a doctor without delay. These could be symptoms of relatively advanced prostate cancer or another disease, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia.



Fight prostate cancer in style

The Quebec charity PROCURE was founded in 2003 with the mission of raising awareness, supporting and informing those affected by prostate cancer. It also aims to promote and contribute to research into this cancer.


In 2014, the organization launched the Noeud Novembre movement to be able to offer more resources and information to concerned Quebecers, as well as further support research aimed at preventing and combating prostate cancer.


The Noeud Novembre movement

Now in its 8th year, this initiative offers an elegant strategy for men and women to contribute to the cause. Each year, the organization offers Quebecers the chance to purchase the annual PROCURE bow tie in aid of the fight against prostate cancer.


By encouraging people to share their support for the cause, for example by sharing photos of themselves with their PROCURE bow tie and writing on social media "#Noeud Novembre - je le fais pour...", the movement also serves to express everyone's solidarity with men who suffer or may one day suffer from prostate cancer.


Source :

Our commitment to the cause

Prostate cancer

To support this movement and the fight against prostate cancer, members of the Académie Saint-Bernard team will proudly wear their bow ties throughout the month.


We are also committed to donating $1 to PROCURE for every course sold in November.


During the month, we'll also be giving two members of our community the chance to win their very own bow tie in draws on our Facebook page (@Academiesb).


#Noeudvember - We're doing it for...

Prostate cancer All dads, spouses, friends, uncles, etc.


Prostate Cancer All men who may one day be diagnosed with prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer All men who may one day experience the distress that follows a diagnosis of prostate cancer and need support.


Every person who proudly wears the PROCURE bow will contribute to "The Butterfly Effect".

In other words, for the 12 Quebecers a day who will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, this means, among other things:


Prostate cancer Access to more support and information resources.


Prostate cancer Easier access to help and advice from a healthcare professional.


Prostate cancer Improved chances of earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment.


Would you also like to contribute to the butterfly effect?

Here's the link to get your own PROCURE bow tie or simply make a donation to the organization:


Prostate Cancer


If you're participating, please let us know on our Facebook page (@AcademieSB) and let us know why or for whom you're doing it.


Tips to reduce the risk of prostate cancer


Numerous studies have shown that maintaining healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, slow its progression and reduce some of the side effects of treatment.


A healthy diet for a healthy body

According to several studies, certain foods may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. For example, it is recommended to reduce consumption of ;

red or processed meats

calcium-rich products

products high in trans fats or saturated fats.

In this sense, a healthy, balanced diet can reduce the risk of cancer by meeting the nutritional needs essential to good health and helping to maintain a healthy weight.


Exercise can make all the difference


Finally, we recommend a minimum of 2.5 hours of physical exercise per week.


Just going out for a walk can make all the difference. In fact, just a 20-minute walk a day could reduce your risk of cancer by 30%.


Have you or a family member been diagnosed with cancer?

PROCURE has a toll-free hotline available 24/7 to support you and answer your questions:


1 855 899-2873


You can also visit their website to learn more about this cancer:




Movember. S.d. "About: Our movement". URL:

Movember. N.d. "About: Our history. URL:

PROCURE. S.d. "Mission and values. URL:

PROCURE. 2020. "PROCURE - Stop Prostate Cancer. URL:

PROCURE. August 2019. "Cancer de la prostate : Réduire ses risques". URL:

PROCURE. August 2019. "Prostate cancer: Signs and symptoms". URL:


Émilie Bédard

Communications Manager