September 8th, 2024
Burn in the kitchen
A fun time that goes off the rails!
A neighbor ready for anything!!
Lucas, a young man of 25 with a passion for cooking, was preparing a delicious dinner for his family one evening and sautéed some vegetables in hot oil. Concentrating on his recipe, he didn't notice that drops of boiling oil were splashing onto his arm.
Suddenly, he felt his skin turn red, followed by a sharp pain. Instinctively, Lucas withdrew his hand and plunged it under the cold water. Despite his efforts to relieve the burn, the pain persisted and his skin seemed to irritate even more.
That's when his neighbour Thomas heard Lucas's cries of pain and came to his aid. Thomas, aged 30, had been trained in first aid and knew exactly what to do in such situations.

Without wasting any time, he took matters into his own hands. He asked Lucas to continue rinsing the burn under cold water while he went to get his first aid kit. In it he found a sterile compress soaked in hydrogel gel, a product specially designed to relieve burns. Thomas carefully applied the compress to Lucas's burn, creating instant and welcome relief. Lucas felt the pain diminish and the burning sensation subside. He sighed with relief, grateful to Thomas for his very effective intervention.
After applying the compress, Thomas continued to give Lucas advice. He advised him not to pierce any blisters that might form and to protect the burn with a clean dressing. He also suggested that he take a painkiller if the pain persisted.
Thanks to Thomas's attentive care, Lucas's burn healed quickly and without any major complications. Lucas was grateful to his neighbour for his invaluable help and realised the importance of knowing first aid in an emergency.
In resume
After the unfortunate incident that affected Lucas, we were able to see just how much difference rapid and appropriate intervention can make in an emergency situation. The intervention of Thomas, the first-aid neighbour, was decisive in relieving the pain and helping Lucas's burn to heal. This episode highlights the crucial importance of knowing and following a specific protocol in the event of an injury, such as the one we are now going to examine in detail.

The burn
By understanding the key steps in the protocol and putting them into practice, we can be better prepared to react quickly and correctly in the event of a similar emergency. So let's learn together the essential steps to take to provide optimum assistance in such situations.
Make sure the area is safe.
Assess the severity of the burn.
Place the burn under cold water for at least 10 minutes to stop the heat spreading.
Apply a clean dressing or a sterile compress soaked in hydrogel gel to relieve pain and protect the skin.
If a hydrogel gel is not available, a dressing soaked in clean water can be used.
Observe signs of shock, such as paleness, excessive sweating or weakness.
Stay with the victim and reassure them until help arrives if necessary.
If the burn is serious or extensive, call the emergency services or take the victim to hospital.
Importance of training
This fictional situation shows us that real knowledge in terms of first aid is essential during life-threatening events. Rapid and appropriate intervention can also significantly promote healing and recovery from a serious injury. Mastering the knowledge of a complete first aid course can be useful in many critical situations, and even in accidental everyday care.
Lucas' story and Thomas' rapid intervention highlight the vital importance of first aid knowledge. In an emergency situation, every action counts, and appropriate intervention can make all the difference to the victim's recovery and well-being. By understanding and following a specific protocol, we can be better prepared to react effectively in the event of an injury, such as a burn. This knowledge can not only save lives, but also reduce the risk of complications and speed up the healing process. Let's all be aware of the importance of first aid and be ready to act when the situation calls for it, because each and every one of us can be a hero in an emergency situation.
Written by Alexandre Grenier, Founder of Académie Saint-Bernard
Layout and revised by Roxanne Duchesneau, Graphic Designer