World Mental Health Day

Source: "World Mental Health Day 2020", World Health Organization (WHO).


How are you?

A simple question, isn't it?

Answering the question "How are you?" may seem so simple. However, sometimes it can be difficult to offer an honest answer to this question.  Answering "No, I'm not well" could mean that we're experiencing mental health problems.


According to the Canadian Mental Health Association,

Every year, one in five Canadians will be affected by a mental health problem or illness. However, this person may not have access to the resources needed to support them.


Mental health problems should never be neglected

Mental health disorders do far more damage than we might suspect. They can have a negative impact on the whole body. Among other things, they can cause;

sleep disorders

dietary imbalances,

accelerated heart rate,


So, in addition to affecting mental well-being, they can affect the immune system and cardiovascular health.


"Acting for mental health: let's invest!"

According to the WHO, investment in this area of health is still too low, and "relatively few people in the world have access to quality mental health services."


In fact, this is the issue targeted by the "Act for mental health: let's invest!" campaign. Produced by the WHO, United for Global Mental Health and the World Federation for Mental Health, it highlights the inadequacy of investment in this field compared to the growing demand.


On the occasion of World Mental Health Day

In addition to professional help, small daily gestures such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, reading and communication in person or by telephone can greatly aid the recovery process and mental well-being.


Tomorrow, on World Mental Health Day, we invite you to take one or more positive actions to take care of your mental health or to support a loved one.


For example, you can


checking in on a friend or loved one,

taking time out to do something you enjoy,

turn off your electronic devices to disconnect and live in the moment,

find out about different ways of managing stress,


To help you get through difficult times, various organizations offer free, anonymous and confidential listening centers. These resources enable you to confide in them, receive support and advice, and get help in finding the right professional help. Here are a few examples:


Tel Aide

Phobies Zéro (also offers virtual and physical support groups)

Pairs aidants j'écoute




Canadian Mental Health Association. May 14, 2020. "16 strategies to thrive":

Canadian Mental Health Association. January 12, 2020. "Mental health: what is it, really?" :

World Health Organization. "World Mental Health Day 2020":

Académie Saint-Bernard. March 1, 2019. "Cardiovascular risk factors":


Émilie Bédard


Communications Manager